Mostly Me Monday #2: Celebration Time!

Mostly Me Monday #2: Celebration Time!


Hi all!

Thanks for tuning in for the second edition of Mostly Me Monday! I’m not sure whether anyone noticed, but last week I haven’t been able to post according to schedule. I missed my Wednesday review, some news over the weekend and my Subject To Change on Friday. If you haven’t noticed; good. If you have, sorry, I’ve been really busy. And I’ll tell you about it today.

So today it’s the 30th of May and today marks the official launch of my text writing business, Archer Text. I’ve been working towards the official release and I have been doing a lot over the past week to try and get stuff done as smooth as possible.

My Twitter is set up, so is my Facebook, the website’s all done and I’ve started placing some advertisements to attract my first customers. The process has been tough though. Really tough. It’s hard to work a 30 hour job, set up a new business and still find time to update this blog and spend some time off the computer as well. But boy, did I have a blast trying to fit all of that into 24 hours! Here’s to hoping it’ll pay off!

So for this special occasion, I’m now offering a free guest blog post to anyone following my blog and interested. Just shoot me a message down below in the comment section or send me an email at if you’d like to reply more privately. 

I will get back to writing right away and try to make up for some of the lost time.

Talk to you soon,


Poem #2: Carefree

Poem #2: Carefree


You’ve gone beyond
yourself and the horizon,
home will never be the same,
as time can never be regained.

Mark your way back home,
if home is something that you know
rejoin the careless and the free
but don’t forget to close the door!

The journey back is long and hard,
but with a thousand steps
already made then what are 5?
5 foot monsters knocking on your door.

Mostly Me Monday #1: Work + Dog = Love

Mostly Me Monday #1: Work + Dog = Love


Good to see you here. It’s weird for me to write all of this down. I’m not sure if anyone is even remotely interested in reading my personal stories, but for me it’s a good outlet. And hopefully I’ll at least put a smile on your face or make you think about your own personal life. For me, this blog is a way to express myself and a way for me to practice my writing on a daily basis. Writing a lot is important, because it basically forces you to develop your own style.

I’ve been writing down things ever since I can remember. It’s strange, because even though I love to write, give my opinion on things through writing and tell people stories, I’m not much of a talker. Writing is easier. Maybe it’s taking the easiest way out, but it works for me.

I’ve been thinking all day about what I was going to write down in this post, and now that I’m writing it, it’s all gone. Maybe that’s a good thing though, I don’t want to force myself to write about a subject even though it’s not even really interesting to me.

I decided to talk about the things that I love. There are more than a few things that I love, but for now I want to focus on two things. The first thing I want to talk about is the ‘work’ that I think is exactly what I want to do in my life.

The job
What is this ‘work’ I’m talking about? Writing. I put ‘work’ between quotes, because I’ve always enjoyed writing and I can’t see myself getting sick of it. So for me, it doesn’t really feel like work. I’m currently working hard to start my own text writing business from the ground up. I’m using my current job as a way to provide for myself, my girlfriend and my dog, but it just not what I want to do for the rest of my life. Sure, working as an employee has its advantages, but there are a lot of things I don’t like about it.

I named my ‘company’ (God, that sounds weird) Archer Text. I want to provide people with regular text, such as guest blogs, stories, scripts, essays, poems and much more. I really enjoy writing those kind of things because they’re personal and it allows me to help people express themselves the way they want to, even if they don’t know exactly how to do it themselves.

Besides that I want to provide a copy writing service. For those who don’t know, copy writing is basically writing with business in mind. Think about advertisements, commercials, brochures, business emails and more. They’re all examples of copy. By using certain words, forming certain sentences and calling to people’s emotions, you can (if you are skilled enough) ‘persuade’ people to buy a product or service by entertaining them or making them feel connected to the product or service without them really knowing. It’s a bit of a mixture between regular writing and psychology. I really like writing these kind of texts as well because it shows you just how much words can accomplish. Because of my experience as a webdesigner, I can also provide SEO-friendly texts and give people advice on how to fit a website to a text, or the other way around.

I don’t want this post to be too much of a self-advertisement, but this is what’s keeping me occupied (and has for the last 4 years). I’ll be posting more information about my business as time goes by. If you want to find out more about me and my services, you can check out my website at

The dog
Now that we’ve covered that, I’d like to talk to you about something that’s really important to me. My dog. Ever since I moved out, I’ve been thinking about getting a dog. My girlfriend and I both have had dogs since we were little, but time and money was tight at the time we got settled in our current home. Now, a little over 3 years later, things have gotten easier and we felt like we were ready to provide properly for a dog. After all, we want to provide our dog with everything he needs and give him all the time and love we have.

We brought him home about 8 weeks ago now, and the house has never been the same. I’d like to end this post by introducing you to my new best friend Chief.


Thanks for reading and I hope to speak with you again soon!


Let’s get this out of the way, shall we?

Let’s get this out of the way, shall we?

Hey you!

Welcome to WrittenByJoystick, a blog where I talk about gaming, writing and myself. Even though we basically just met, I’m really glad you’re here. It does get lonely, just talking (or writing in this case) to yourself.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Dave and I’m from a small country in Europe they call the Netherlands. I live in a city called Schiedam, together with my girlfriend and my dog. Currently, I’m working hard on getting my own text writing business (Archer Text) off the ground while trying to find more work as a freelance web designer (Mister Monitor Webdesign).

I’ve always been interested in languages. Back in high school, while my grades for subjects like math and physics were barely enough to graduate, I’ve never had any trouble understanding and using languages. In fact, I graduated in English, Dutch and German. Later, I managed to pick up an extra certificate for German as well as Italian. Language fascinates me. How languages like Japanese rely on pitch, how romantic Italian sounds and even how 1 missing character in a programming language like PHP can mess up a whole website (which happens a lot, trust me).

Besides all that, I’m a gamer at heart. I collect games and game-related items, go to conventions, browse the web for games from the ’90s that have the wrapper still on them (yes, I’m one of those people) and I try to drag other people into liking games as much as I do.

Like I said, my math isn’t all that, but even I can see that for me personally, writing + gaming = good times. And so here we are. A blog about gaming and writing. Starting tomorrow, on 18-05-2016!

For your convenience, I decided to make an upload schedule so you’ll know what to expect. The schedule is subject to change, but my intention is to stick with it for as long as I can.

Day Subject
Monday – Gaming News
– Mostly Me Monday*
Tuesday Gaming News
Wednesday – Gaming News
– Grading Gems**
Thursday Gaming News
Friday – Gaming News
– Subject To Change***
Saturday Gaming News
Sunday Gaming News


*        Here I talk about my day to day life.
**     Game Reviews
***   A different subject every week

Besides all this I will regularly post additional things about writing in general.

I hope you’ll enjoy reading this blog as much as I’ll enjoy writing it!

So now that I have introduced myself and this blog, how about you introduce yourself to me and other readers? Let us exchange a digital handshake. Maybe someday a real one, who knows?
